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Filter the Deals List View

Use filters to pull information on deals, associated contacts, contact activity and associated companies through the Deals List View.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Select the Filter button from the list view:

  • You will find any filters you previously save under My Saved Filter List

  • Search the filter fields to pull the criteria needed

  • You can apply any number of filtering criteria for Deals, Associated Contacts, Contact Activity, and Associated Companies

You are able to apply multiple filters to your search:

  • Once filters are added, click on the & icon to change the criteria to OR

  • Brackets group your searching criteria together

  • In the below example we are filtering a list of deals with an estimated close date after 11/9/16 AND is either on 'Lead General Nurture Campaign' OR is located in the state of Missouri:

Select the button Apply to pull your results, and the blue Save Filter button will appear if you wish to use this filter again in the future. Saved filters will pull data in real time.

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