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Sales Reports Overview

Reporting is key for tracking sales & improving efforts to close more deals! Get an overview about each report to help gain further insight.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Reporting is key for tracking your sales and improving team efforts to close more deals!

All of BenchmarkONE's sales reports give you filtering options on the top left and can be exported to a CSV file. On reports with statistics blocks under the graph (example below), click any block to be brought to the corresponding report:

Click the heading of any column to re-order the data shown:

Deal Pipeline by Sales Rep:

  • This report gives a list of all deals in each stage and is organized by sales rep for comparison.

  • Customize your reports by combining the optional filters: deal created date, sales rep, general stage, deal stage, source, probability and deal closed date.

  • Uses: Compare sales reps performance and easily view amount of deals in each stage. 

Deal Pipeline List:

  • This report is a total list of all deals in your database.

  • Click on the deal name in the list to get to the deal detail view.

  • Customize your report by combining the optional filters: deal created date, sales rep, general stage, deal stage, source, probability and deal closed date.

  • Uses: See a list of all of your deals or filter out a specific list you would like to see, like deals closed within a certain time frame.

Deal Pipeline by Lead Source:

  • This report shows a comparison of your deal totals by lead source.

  • Customize your report by combining the available filters: deal created date, sales rep, general stage and stage.

  • Uses: Compare your lead sources and learn where to best invest marketing dollars.

Deal Stage Activity:

  • This report gives you a list of deals in a time period, organized by last known stage.

  • Customize your report by combining the available filters: period, sales rep, general stage and stage.

  • Click on the deal name to get to the deal detail view.

  • Uses: see overall “movement” of your upcoming revenue.

Sales Rep Performance:

  • This report compares won deals by sales rep.

  • Customize this report by filtering by date.

  • Uses: Compare sales rep performance to reward your top sales person or inspire competition.

3-Month Deal Forecast:

  • This report shows revenue expected over the next 3 months based on the close date forecast field in each deal.

  • Uses: check out your forecast to decide when you need to hit sales harder or offer something to bump up your numbers. 

New Deals by Month:

  • This report gives you a snapshot of new deals coming in, won, or lost over the month’s time. 

  • Customize this report by combining the available filters: period, sales rep, and source. 

  • Uses: check your stats here to make sure you’re hitting your monthly goals, or change the period filter to see if your performance is better than last month’s.

Task by User:

  • Shows completed tasks from each user; organized by task type per user over a specified time period.

  • Customize your report by changing the Period filter.

  • Uses: Check how many tasks you’ve completed or your team has completed to gauge activity.

Activity by User:

  • Shows completed tasks, tasks added, tasks completed, emails sent, deals added, notes, added, contacts added and companies added; organized by activty type per user over a specified time period.

  • Customize your report by changing the Sales Rep and Period filter.

  • Uses: See your team's overall activity and productivity in BenchmarkONE.

Closed Lost Report:

  • Shows list of loss reasons over a time period and the number of deals and revenue lost for each reason.

  • Customize the report by combining the available filters: period, sales rep and source.

  • Create your deal lost reasons in Account Settings> System Settings> Deal Lost Reasons, to make sure you can track this.

  • Uses: See the top reasons that you are losing deals so that you can make improvements.

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