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Export Your Database

System administrators can export the full database.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Important Note: If you are not a System Administrator you will not see a Data block in Account Settings. For security reasons, only Admins can export data.

Navigate to Account Settings > Data > Export Data

Click on the button New Export File

A line under the table header will appear to notify you that the process has begun. This may take some time – BenchmarkONE will email you from when the export is complete.

Once the export is complete, you will be able to download a zip file that includes the spreadsheets and fields listed below.


  • Contact ID, Entity ID, Entity Type, Account Company ID, First and Last Name, Company ID, Company Name, Position Title, Website URL, Contact Status, Sales Rep, Opt-in Status, Lead Source, Temperature, Created Date

  • Address: Primary Street Address, Primary City, Primary State, Primary Zip Code, Primary Country, Primary Address Type, Primary Address ID

  • Phone Number: Phone Type, Phone Number, Phone ID

  • Email Address:, Primary Email Address, Primary Email Address Type, Primary Email Address ID

  • Social Networks: Social Network Name, Social Network URL, Social Network URL ID

  • Custom Fields: Custom Field ID, Custom Field Name, Custom Field Value, Custom Data ID

  • Events: Event Name, Event Date, Frequency, Event Date ID


  • Company ID, Company Name, Company Record Status ID, Created By, Created Date, Website, Industry Type ID

  • Company Custom Fields: Company ID, Custom Field ID, Custom Field Name, Value, Account Company ID, Custom Data ID


  • Deal ID, Deal Name, Deal Description, Sales Rep, Deal Stage, Amount, Estimated Close Date, Actual Closed Date, Win Probability, Deal Lead Source, Deal Lost Reason, Deal Lost Reason Comments, Created Date

  • Custom Fields: Custom Field ID, Custom Field Name, Custom Field Value, Custom Data ID

  • Associated Contacts: Deal ID, Contact ID, Contact First & Last Name, Contact Status

Notes & Tasks:

  • Contact ID, Contact Name, Company ID, Deal ID, Activity Type, Note Body, Task Title, Task Body, Completed Indicator, Due Date, Task Type, Created By, Created Date, Activity ID

  • IMAP notes will not be exported but BCC notes will


  • Contact ID, Tag Name, Tag Score, Contact Tag ID

  • Custom Fields: Company ID, Custom Field ID, Custom Field Name, Custom Field Value, Custom Data ID

To export your contact list only, see this article.

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