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2018 July Release Notes

Here are some highlights of the things we delivered to you in the month of July.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

New —

If you missed our big announcement last week, grab your phone! Hatchbuck Mobile beta is here. 

As a small business, we know every opportunity is important to you, which is why we launched our all-new mobile version to help you stay in sync with your business when you are on the go.

With Hatchbuck Mobile you can now stay on top of all of your activities, follow up with hot leads, and close more deals.

Learn more

Dashboard Click-Thrus

Our newly-designed Dashboard just got even more connected. With dynamic dashboard click-thrus, you’ll be able get instant access to the data you need most to keep your business humming. Now with just a single click you gain instant visibility into which contacts are visiting your website, who’s filling out your forms, and what lead sources are driving the best ROI.

Improved —

Streamlined Close Date For Deals

Long gone are the days of two close date fields. Many of you let us know that having two close dates (expected and actual) was cumbersome to filter or run reports on. We listened. We’re happy to announce that there is now ONE field for close date. Simply set it at deal creation and update it when you close the deal.

New Search Filters

Ever wanted to find the people in your database who haven’t been emailed? Or those contacts who haven’t engaged with any of your links? Now you can. Our new Activity Filters allow you to:

  • Find anyone who has been sent a specific email

  • Search for contacts who has been emailed in a given time frame

  • Identify anyone who clicked on any link in any email

  • Pinpoint anyone who has ever submitted a form

Speedier Dashboard and Contact Detail Views

We’re happy to say that we’ve improved load times significantly on both pages. But that doesn’t mean we’re done. Stay tuned for more speed improvements app wide in the coming weeks.

30-Day Filter 

The people have spoken. We've added in a "last 30 days" filter on your dashboard to give you clearer visibility into past performance.

Say Goodbye to Character Limits
Because character limits on address and phone fields have been lengthened, character limits on list views have been removed. Additionally, special characters in tags, companies, and custom fields are now allowed.

Fixes —

  • Global Search will now stay open as soon as you’ve clicked on the search icon. Along with this, it will begin searching after you’ve typed in 3 characters (used to be 4). Talk about efficiency!

  • Email History Page - Scheduled Emails report was not displaying for some accounts and showed different info as Dashboard. It’s now working. Also some UI improvements to the Email History Page

  • Lots of fixes to drop-downs throughout the application.

  • In account settings, users were making changes and not pressing CANCEL or SAVE before moving on to the next screen, losing data and changes in the process. We modified the UI to make it clearer.

  • Some improvements to modals when using Date fields. You will now be notified if the “YEAR” you have chosen is out of range or impossible instead of the data not being saved.

  • Editing Tasks had some wonky scroll issues. Way less wonky now.

  • Editing tags and custom fields in Account Settings is more streamlined

  • Add/Edit contact screen had some weird behavior when editing certain fields (phone number and email address). Now they are just like the rest: Unbroken, and ready for input.

  • Contact profile pictures were rendering in less than ideal ways, but they’ve been fixed app-wide.

  • Duplicating campaigns will now include advanced timers.

  • Custom field text that overflowed to the next line was doing so in the middle of words. Now they are whole again.

  • When editing or adding in a “Send Email” automation to campaigns, there were times when the step would display as a null step. No longer.

  • Event based campaigns now take into account the user time-zone instead of UTC.

  • Very large images, like 4+ mb images, were causing disruptions to sent email templates. We now limit the user to uploading 4mb or lower images.

  • Email wizard had some querying issues and sometimes removed the email body when you clicked back too many times, making those emails only re-accessible in the “Saved Drafts” area of the wizard. Fixed!

  • Fixed a UI issue with the “Merge Contacts” modal

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