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Global Tracking Pixels

Learn how to fire pixels when any of your forms or landing pages are viewed or when a user subscribes.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Add global pixels to pull in analytics of impressions, clicks, subscribers, etc. Click on the ⚙️Manage Site link in the top navigation bar, and then the tab Tracking.

The following are global pixels fired when any of your forms or landing pages are viewed, or when a user subscribes. If you have existing pixels on your forms or landing pages, those will fire in addition to the following:

View Pixel
Fires when a form or landing page is viewed.

Subscribe Pixel
Fires when a user subscribes from a form or landing page.

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Example Script for Google Analytics

All valid tracking pixel codes are usually <script></script>, <img> or <iframe> tags. Here is an example for Google Analytics. You can click here to learn more about Google Analytics event tracking. 

View Pixel
Paste the following in the view pixel text box. You can change the values such as 'View Form' or 'Popup' to whatever you would like. These are used to categorize data in Google Analytics.

ga('send', 'event', 'BenchmarkONE', 'View Form', 'Popup');

Subscribe Pixel
Paste the following in the subscribe pixel text box.

ga('send', 'event', 'BenchmarkONE', 'Subscribe', 'Popup');

*** Note that the codes list above are examples only. Do not place these codes within your account.

Similarly, you will find event tracking pixels for all popular services such as Facebook, Mixpanel, Intercom, etc. 

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