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Landing Pages & Popups Analytics

Track conversion metrics so you can see what’s going right and where you can improve.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Robust landing page and popup analytics track conversion metrics so you can see what’s going right and where you can improve. We will track everything from subscriber counts to conversion rate to top referral pages to make sure that you’re making the most out of your website and landing page traffic. 

Head to Tools > Landing Pages & Popups > Analytics.

Use the filters to dive into a specific date range and select all forms and pages or view analytics for a specific one:


This chart shows the number of impressions, subscriptions and the conversion rate based on the filters selected. Hover over certain data points to see more details on the graph. Click on the legend to show all three or only specific stats:


Each time a landing page or form is rendered in the browser, our analytics tracking pixel fires and it is tracked as an impression. This chart shows the number of times the page and/or forms were visited within the date range selected. 


Each time a visitor submits their information via a form, they are tracked as a subscriber. This chart shows the  number of subscribers within the date range selected.

Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is the number of subscribers divided by the number of impressions. This chart shows your conversion rate within the date range selected. 

Top Referrers

Understand which pages are performing best with the top referrers table. The impressions, subscribers and conversion rate are shown for a seamless view of the top referrers within the date range selected.

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