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Validating Forms on WordPress

Use this guide to validate your BenchmarkONE form on a WordPress website

Support Team avatar
Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago
  • Completely remove the Jotform scripts (there are 2 script tags that you have to remove)

  • Add this Javascript function to ensure the data entered is validated:

function validateForm() {
  var isValid = true;
  for (var i = 0; i < document.forms['hb-form'].length; i++) {
    var classStr = document.forms['hb-form'][i].className;
    if (classStr.indexOf('validate') != -1) {
      var validationStr = classStr.substring(classStr.indexOf('validate[') + 9, classStr.indexOf(']'));
      var validationList = validationStr.split(', ');
      var testValue = document.forms['hb-form'][i].value;
      for (var j = 0; j < validationList.length; j++) {
        if (validationList[j] == 'required') {
          if (testValue === null || testValue === '') {
            document.forms['hb-form'][i].className += 'form-validation-error';
            isValid = false;
        } else if (validationList[j] == 'Email') {
          var atPos = testValue.indexOf('@');
          var dotPos = testValue.lastIndexOf('.');
          if (atPos < 1 || dotPos < atPos + 2 || dotPos + 2 >= testValue.length) {
            document.forms['hb-form'][i].className += 'form-validation-error';
            isValid = false;
  return isValid;
  • In the <form> tag add this attribute: onsubmit='return validateForm()'

  • On the button with type='submit', remove the class 'form-submit-button'

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