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Helpful Tips for Building Campaigns
Helpful Tips for Building Campaigns

Email campaigns help nurture and educate contacts on your brand, products or services. Follow these best practices when building campaigns.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

There’s an art to putting together email campaigns that are beneficial for your prospects and lead them through the buyer’s journey effectively. Here are some tips to follow when putting together your future campaigns. 

Your Email Campaign Must-Haves:

  • A Purpose/Goal. This may go without saying, but you need a clearly defined goal and a reason for your email campaign. Your purpose could be anything from brand awareness and education, to an event, or to selling a particular product or service. Knowing what you want to achieve will help inform how you craft each individual email within your campaign.

  • Segmentation. You never want to send the same email to every single prospect. Instead, send different campaigns to different people based on indicated interests and actions they’ve taken. This helps you personalize the content you’re selling so that it’s more applicable to the person receiving it. By using the tag functionality in our software, you’ll be able to mark prospects based on behavior and interests, which make segmentation easy. 

  • A Way to Opt-In. In order to add a prospect to your email campaign, you need to present them with a way to opt-in to your email marketing. Create content, guides, ebooks, or other valuable resources that are gated with a form. Once prospects fill out the form with their information and are opted-in to your email marketing, you can send them the gated resource and initiate a nurture campaign for them. 

  • Helpful, Pitch-Free Content. When you first enroll a prospect in your email nurture campaign, you don’t want to pitch your product immediately. At this stage, your prospects are just realizing they have a problem but are not ready to buy, so if you try to pitch them too early, you’ll scare them away. Instead, you want to be a valuable resource, which will help you establish trust. Provide them with content that they’ll find helpful based on their indications and where they are in the buyer’s journey. As they become more informed and move down the funnel, start integrating CTA's (calls-to-action) to get on a call, get a meeting on the calendar, or to buy your products/services.

The Dos and Don’ts of Email Campaigns:

  • DON’T over-explain. You don’t want to overwhelm your prospects with tons of information. Instead, keep your campaigns short, simple, and concise. This helps create clarity and ensures you deliver on what your prospects need.  

  • DO use your content. Make sure you are utilizing your already created content, like your blog posts and whitepapers. Send applicable blog posts and longer-form content to your prospects so they can see you’re an authority in the space and can be a valuable resource for them. 

  • DO decrease the frequency of your communication. As you move through the campaign, decrease how often you are reaching out to the contacts. This will reduce any pressure and burden being placed on your prospects, which can reduce any opt-outs at more crucial points in their journey. 

  • DO add personal touches. Once contacts are warm, try reaching out to them in a more personal manner. Maybe that’s a phone call engaging with them on their specific pain point or interest regarding your product or service. Or maybe it’s an eCard for their birthday. 

  • DO measure campaign performance. How is the campaign doing and which emails are performing best? Make sure you track if your emails are being open, if links are being clicked, or if people are responding to them. You can always edit and adjust future steps to match what works best for your contacts.

BenchmarkONE Resources:

For tactical help on how to build campaigns in the BenchmarkONE system, click here.

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