-- If you prefer a video walk through, check out this video.
You can manage tasks in two places; the Tasks tab, which you will see in the main navigation of your BenchmarkONE database, and in individual contact records.
Creating a Task from the Tasks Tab
To add a new task select the + New Task button in the top right.
Add a contact, company, and/or deal name that this task should be related to.
Add a description of your task (required).
Select a due date for your task, and flag it as high priority to keep it top of mind.
Choose a Task Type, or create a new one using the "+" button.
You can check a box to automatically update the Last Contacted Date once the task is completed. You will also be able to mark the task as complete at this time if you have already done it and just want to track your activity.
Select the Create Task button to save the task.
Viewing Tasks in the Tasks Tab
You have filters available to filter your tasks based on the due date, whether they are high priority or not, the task type, status, and the user they're assigned to.
Choose to view All tasks, those that are Due Now, Due This Week, or enter a Custom Date Range.ย
Filter by Type of task (ex: call, email).
Filter by contact status to just view tasks for a particular group.
Filter to see All Tasks, Active Tasks or Completed tasks.
Filter to see tasks for All Users or a specific user.
Taking Actions on Tasks in the Tasks Tab
You can update one or multiple tasks at once in the tasks tab:
Click the checkbox to the left of one or many existing tasks.
Select the Actions button to see the available actions you can take on the task(s).
Important Notes:
Selecting "Update Contact Status" for a task that does not have a contact associated to it will not apply any changes.
The "Create Notes" action will apply the note to all contact, company and deal records associated to the task.
Create a Task from a Contact Record
Select the Tasks Tab below the contact's basic info.
Click the +New Task button.
Add a Description of your task (required).
Select a Due Date for your task, and flag it as High Priority if necessary.
Choose a Task Type, or create a new one using the "+" button.
You can check a box to automatically update the Last Contacted Date once the task is completed. You will also be able to mark the task as complete at this time if you have already done it and just want to track your activity.
Select the Save button and it will appear in the task tab of the contact record.
BenchmarkONE Hack
Have a series of tasks you repeat for every customer or prospect? Why not automate them! You can create a campaign just for your tasks so that you can manage a regimented workflow and stay on track. Here's a video on Building a Regular Campaign.