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Adding a Single Contact

Quickly add individual contacts to your database.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

-- If you prefer a video walk through, check out this video.

Follow the steps below to quickly add a single contact:

From the Contact List View

  • Select Add Contact

  • Enter any necessary information. Remember: E-mail, Sales Rep, and Contact Status will be required

  • If adding more than one email, choose Primary for the address you would like BenchmarkONE to send messages to (the other will be used for searching/tracking only)

Click Save & Exit or Save & Add Another if you would like to add additional contacts

From the Quick Actions Menu

The Quick Actions Menu is accessed by clicking the “+” icon in the main header from anywhere within the application.

After clicking in the menu, a Quick Add Contact modal will appear over the top of the screen where you are currently working.

The Quick Add Contact modal displays the full add contact form, so you can add as much detail as needed when adding contacts. Upon clicking “Save and Close”, you will be returned to the screen you were previously working. Upon clicking "Save & Add Another," you will be brought to another Quick Add Contact modal to add another contact.

Contact Limits

The system will check the account’s contact limit before allowing new contact entries. If you are over your contact limit and attempting to add contacts via the Quick Actions menu, you will be alerted via a modal popup like below --

If you need to import a large list of contacts, see our article on Importing Spreadsheets.

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