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Building Better Emails

Get your emails opened, optimize your responses and clicks, track, analyze and test.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 main things that every email marketer needs to do: 

  • Get your emails opened

  • Optimize your responses and clicks

  • Track, analyze and test

Here are our tips throughout this process...

Get your Emails Opened

It has to get opened to get read! Here are some tips on getting your emails opened:

  • Subject Line: Keep it short and don’t get too creative. If it sounds like you’re marketing, the recipient will hit delete.

  • Who is the Sender? Make sure that the email is coming from you (the person), not you (the company). Having a personal touch makes the email seem like it was written just for the recipient and not a part of mass marketing mailing.

  • Segment your recipients: Sending relevant information to smaller segmented groups in your contact list is going to give you the best results. Your contacts are more likely to open an email that contains information pertaining to their interests.

Optimize Response Rates and Clicks

  • When do I send? There is no “magic send time.” Consider your audience – do they have mostly work emails? If so, they will be checking their emails during the day. If not, send after work hours. Do your contacts live in many different time zones? Don’t send a mass blast to your whole list if it’s going to be 2 a.m. for some of them.

  • The best day to send emails depends on your contacts and your business. Mondays are usually busy and people are mentally checked out by Friday. To figure out which day is best for your company you will need to track, analyze and test (see more below in number 3).

  • Let them Unsubscribe! Make sure that the system you are sending from has an “unsubscribe” link. Sending information to people that don’t want it does you no good.

  • Help, don’t Sell: Don’t send out pushy sales emails – these have a high risk of receiving SPAM complaints. Send out helpful, educational information that pertains to your industry. Doing this will solidify your image as a trusted adviser and expert, not a pushy salesman.

  • Text, Text, Text: A text-only email is much more personal than a heavy HTML newsletter email. Also, heavy HTML can be flagged as SPAM and looks like it came from a business, not a person.

    Make sure you have a clear call-to-action if you have a link within your email.

Track, Analyze and Test

  • Analyze Opens and Link Clicks: This will let you know which emails are better received and which material your contacts were most likely to click through. This enables you to make more successful emails in the future.

  • Test Everything: Look at what works and what doesn't. Test things like send dates and times, subject line content and email body content. Without testing, you may not get optimal results.

  • The majority of the leads you market to are not yet ready to buy, but are going to buy at some point. By sending an effective email nurturing campaign you and your business stay top of mind and become positioned as an expert in your field. This helps to ensure that when they are ready to buy, they come to you.

Want more email building tips? Read our blog, Optimize Your E-mails.

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