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Quick Actions Menu

Quickly perform common actions like sending an email, adding a contact, or entering a note from anywhere in the system.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 2 months ago

The Quick Actions Menu is accessed by clicking the “+” icon in the main header from anywhere within the application.

With the Quick Actions Menu you can --



Clicking the Email icon allows you to quickly send an email to an individual contact without disrupting your current workflow.

Quick Email Modal

After clicking in the menu, a Quick Email modal will appear over the top of the screen where you are currently working.

“To” Field

In this field you can type ahead to search for contacts in your database by name or email address.

If you select the Quick Send email button when viewing a specific contact's record, that contact will auto-populate in the “To” field.

Quick send emails only support sending to a single contact, therefore, only one contact can be added in the “To” field. After a contact is selected or auto-populated, it can be removed and a different contact can be selected if desired.

Applying a Template

To apply a template, click the “Choose Template” button to display a dropdown of all of the pre-saved basic editor templates in your BenchmarkONE account. The list will display in alphabetical order.

Selecting a template will apply the predefined template to the editor window, where you can then make changes or send the email as-is.

If any automations are saved in the template you have selected, they will be applied to this email.

💡 Tip: You cannot save changes to the template or view/edit link automations from the quick send email form.

Creating an Email from Scratch

If you would like to send a one-off email, you can build an email from scratch using all of the functionality the basic editor has to offer. When doing so, you will not have the ability to save a new template or add link automations from the quick send email form.

Sending Quick Emails

Clicking the Send Email button at the bottom of the Quick Email modal will send the email in real-time.

Open and Link Tracking

All emails will include the BenchmarkONE tracking pixel to track opens and any links included in quick send emails will be tracked.

NOTE: Send Limits for Free Plan Accounts

The system will check the account’s send limit before allowing email sends from the Quick Actions menu. If you are over your send limit you will be alerted via a modal popup like below --



Quickly add a contact to BenchmarkONE wherever you are in the application.

Quick Add Contact Modal

After clicking in the menu, a Quick Add Contact modal will appear over the top of the screen where you are currently working.

The Quick Add Contact modal displays the full add contact form, so you can add as much detail as needed when adding contacts. Upon clicking “Save and Close”, you will be returned to the screen you were previously working. Upon clicking "Save & Add Another," you will be brought to another Quick Add Contact modal to add another contact and lastly, when you click "Save & Open record," you will be brought to the new contact record to view and make any further actions.

Contact Limits

The system will check the account’s contact limit before allowing new contact entries. If you are over your contact limit and attempting to add contacts via the Quick Actions menu, you will be alerted via a modal popup like below --



Quickly add a note to any existing contact, company or deal record from wherever you are in the application.

Quick Add Note Modal

After clicking Note in the menu, a Quick Add Note modal will appear over the top of the screen where you are currently working.

The Contact Name, Company Name and Deal Name fields are type ahead so you can quickly tie your notes to the records you need.

💡 Tip: Free and Lite plans will only see the Contact Name field when adding notes.

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