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Tag Score vs. Contact Score

Tag Scores accumulate and never decline, while Contact Scores are dependent on a time window and can detract back to zero. Learn more!

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Updated over a week ago

Tag Scores

In BenchmarkONE, you will use tags and tag scores to better segment your lists and automate actions to occur based on those interests.

Each time a contact record is tagged, the specific tag score will increase by 1 point. Tag scores can increase by manually adding a tag to the contact record, or via any available automation in the system, including a link click, form submission, campaign, and webpage visit. The more times a contact receives a specific tag, the higher the score in parentheses will be.

A benefit of tag scores is that they allow you to better understand contact interests and behaviors. For example, a Health & Wellness Gym may use tags such as ‘Classes’ and ‘Personal Training’ to segment contact interests. If a contact has a much higher score for one of those tags, the gym now understands to target that contact with more specific communication.

To drill down into tags + tag scores, you can use the tag filter in your contact list view to easily find a targeted list of contacts. Here’s a help article on that.

Additionally, you can specify automations to occur, like beginning a certain campaign or sending a specific email, once a tag reaches a particular score. To trigger automations when a tag score is reached, you will want to set up a Tag Rule.

Contact Scores

Tip: If you need a full rundown on Contact Scoring in BenchmarkONE, check out this article!

Contact Scoring is helpful to measure the overall engagement level of each contact. Positive points are associated with each available action your contacts take, like opening an email, clicking a link, submitting a form, and visiting a webpage. The contact will be given negative scores for unsubscribing or complaining of spam. These points are automatically assigned to the contact score.

An important difference with the contact score, in comparison to tag score, is that it is a rolling score, so it will change based on a person's activity within a specific time period you have selected (7/30/90 days). This is helpful to understand how engaged the contact has been most recently.

To view or edit default point values for each action, or to change the rolling time period, navigate to Account Settings > Customizations > Contact Scoring.

Contact scores can also be increased through an automation on a link click, form submission, webpage visit and tag rule. This is helpful if you would like a contact to receive extra points for submitting an important online form, in addition to the point values they receive by default. To learn more about boosting contact scores through automations, check out this help article.

Last, contact scores can be increased manually. This is helpful if you talk to the contact on the phone or engage with them at a trade show. Since BenchmarkONE cannot track that outside engagement, you can manually add points to the score to better help identify your hottest prospects. To learn more about boosting the contact score manually, check out this help article.

To drill down into contacts with the highest or lowest scores, use the contact score filter to find your targeted list. The contact score can also be added as a column within your contact list view so that you can easily sort ascending to descending order.

In Summary

It is important to use both scores to understand your contacts’ overall engagement level and their specific interests.

Tag scores will accumulate over time and never decline, while the overall contact score is dependent on a window of time and can detract back to zero.

Tag Scores can automate new actions when a specific score is reached, while the contact score does not offer automation.

Contact score allows you to assign multiple points for each action, while the tag score will only rise by 1 point each time the contact is tagged.

Contact score is a visible column within the contact list view so that you can sort your list accordingly, while tag scores are not available as a column in the list view.

Using contact filters, you can pull lists by contact score and tag + tag score to find your most engaged contacts.

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