Now you can quickly send an email right from your Gmail inbox and track when the email is opened by the recipient. Here's how!
Sending an Email Through Gmail —
Composing an Email
Compose a new message or reply to an email in your Gmail inbox. Once the email address is entered into the email draft, the BenchmarkONE extension will populate.
If the email address does not exist in your BenchmarkONE account, you will have the option to create a new contact. You will want to add and save the contact as a record before sending the email so BenchmarkONE can track the recipient's open.
If the email does exist in the account, the contact's record will appear to confirm.
Tracking Pixel
You will see the BenchmarkONE icon next to the "Send" button. This icon indicates that the BenchmarkONE tracking pixel is turned on for the outgoing message. When the icon is turned on, BenchmarkONE will track when the email is opened by the recipient.
We allow you to choose if you want to track each outgoing message. To turn tracking off, simply click on the icon to turn it grey.
Viewing Email Activity —
Gmail integration email sends and opens will appear in the contact's record under their Activity Feed.
Activity Within the Extension
The activity within the extension will be noted with External Email Sent and External Email Opened. Viewing the email body will not be available through the extension.
Activity Within the Web App
Access the contact record in the web app by clicking the icon in the top right of the profile.
The activity will be noted with "via Gmail" at the end of the subject line.
Accessing the email subject line will open a modal box for a recap of the conversation and the included recipients.
Email Security
Only the user of the sending email address can view the email content and recipients of Gmail integration activity. Clicking into the subject line of an email sent through another user's Gmail address will result in the following popup: