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View in Browser

Provide your contacts a way to view emails in a browser window vs their inbox viewing window.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Use the View in Browser feature to ensure that the emails you send are viewable to all contacts, regardless of email client, image settings, and any other possible rendering issues.

Within the basic editor or drag & drop builder, you can include a View in Browser link for your contacts.

Custom Link Text

You can include personalized text for the call-to-action. Type anything you would like, and then highlight the text and click the View in Browser button in the tool bar. Upon doing so, the highlighted text will change to a link which will route to the web version.

Generic Link Text

If no email text is highlighted when the View in Browser button is clicked, a generic "View in Browser" link will appear in the location of the cursor.

To make edits to the display text, double-click on the linked text to open the edit modal. Make any changes to the display text and click OK to save.

Previewing the View in Browser Content

To see a version of what your contacts will see when viewing in various browsers, you can send a test email to yourself and click the View in Browser link. Clicking the View in Browser link while building or editing the template will result in a new tab opening with the same page you are currently working in.

Deleting an Email Template

Email templates can be restored back to an active template by a user at any time by going to the "deleted" folder and moving the template back to an active folder. Because of this, the View in Browser URL of a template that has been deleted will remain active. If a contact clicks on a View in Browser URL of a deleted template, the web version will still be displayed, creating the best experience for your audience.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: If you wish to permanently delete a View in Browser URL, you may do so by editing the original template, deleting the content, and then deleting the template. In this scenario, contacts will still be able to access the View in Browser URL they were provided, but it will be blank.


There are 3 important notes regarding content in View in Browser pages:

  1. All dynamic content will display in View in Browser pages.

  2. Any CONTACT personalization used in the template will show blank in the View in Browser page. For example, "Dear [Contact First Name]," will appear as
    "Dear ,". Account COMPANY personalization will display correctly.

  3. All edits saved to a template will be reflected in the View in Browser page. No historical versions will be retained.

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