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Sending an Email - CC Feature

Learn how to CC an email to one or more users.

Written by Lori Naeger
Updated over a week ago

In email sending, CC is the abbreviation for “carbon copy.” When sending to more than one contact, each email address cc'd will receive a copy of every email delivered.
For example, if you are sending 100 emails, the email addresses added will be cc'd on 100 emails. You may CC up to two emails.

How to Add a CC User.

  1. On the Confirm and Send Your Email step of Send Email

    1. Click the "Add CC Email" Button on the Right column

  2. Add CC Email Popup

    1. Click the dropdown to show list of users to add to CC list (limit 2.)

    2. Click Add button

  3. Confirm the addresses have properly been added, send your email.

When should you use CC?

  1. To include users who need to be in the loop about the conversation and, ideally, aren’t supposed to take any action. Using CC is more a matter of best practices than anything. The general rule is that the “To” field is reserved for the main recipients of your email. CC feature applies to secondary recipients.

  2. To allow contacts to Reply All. Using the CC line will allow any contact to use a “Reply All” response and include all CC’d users, but if a contact uses “Reply” button instead, the response will only go to the "From" user.

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